Talking about something white and beautiful…here a photo of something white and fluffy that excited me today…What we call “Meringue” in the US we call “Baiser” here in the motherland. And for once, just once, the Germans have clearly super sized the Americans…YUM!!!!
Archive by Author
White Wedding…
Hey little sister…Well you know the song. And you all know by now that we are back in Germany photographing and being part of my little sister’s wedding. The last days have been a flurry of activities…I particularly loved learning how to button her into the amazing wedding dress, a beautiful white concoction…which she claims […]

The BINTH Candle Collection is here.
Dear Bonnie, Gigi, Adrienne and Liz…remember the times this spring and summer when I made you all “test” the wildest, yummiest, most unexpected blends of scents? When I travelled around with a suitcase full of little bottles filled with amazing scented oil concoctions? When I called you in the middle of the night to discuss […]
“ Yoga Is experienced In that mind Which has Ceased To identify itself With its Vacillating waves of perception.” — Yoga Sutras of Patanjali sent by my friend Laura

A long time coming
Yes, after many many many years of resistance, during which time all of you got happy and hooked on it, I too finally did start Yoga lessons this week. My teacher is Kate Wester at Yoga Trek in Oak Park. So, here I come Ellen, Bonnie, Joselyn, Laura, Greg, Patrick…

I lost my heart at Renegade…
We visited the Renegade Craft Fair this weekend…Over 300 crafts people from all over the nation gathered between Paulina and Damen on Division Street here in Chicago. Wow. Amongst our friends and fellow artists ( some are listed at the end of this entry) my favorite new find this year: Peggy Skemp from “Heron Adornments.” […]
“ Summer begins to have the look…” — Emily Dickinson

Almost Fall
Autum, my favorite season…I can feel it, smell it, see it….yes, it’s almost here. We are starting to turn inwards again here at the Binthhaus. I love it.

Chocolate Brown …for very lucky babies.
Tada! The 4th Edition of our BINTH Baby Book came back from our book bindery last week. Besides the original grass green we also created a chocolate brown covered book with a matching ( lighter brown) keepsake box. With this edition we switched from water-based to soy based inks. And with that we also made […]
“I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it.” — Harry S Truman (1884 – 1972)