Calling all BINTH BABY BOOK families! I am thrilled to announce our very first Binth Baby Book CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS. (And with that our very first ever BINTH Give-Away!) We are asking all of you BINTH fans and families to “show off” your BINTH Baby Books. Share it with us, show it to the […]
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Chocolate Brown …for very lucky babies.
Tada! The 4th Edition of our BINTH Baby Book came back from our book bindery last week. Besides the original grass green we also created a chocolate brown covered book with a matching ( lighter brown) keepsake box. With this edition we switched from water-based to soy based inks. And with that we also made […]
Tiny Fingers Tiny Toes
I got a beautiful email from a customer today: I am so glad I had the presence of mind to bring the baby book with us to the hospital. It was the only thing I cared about making sure I had with me. My son is named Raleigh Wyatt and his birth date was February […]