Show. Tell. Share.


Calling all BINTH BABY BOOK families!

I am  thrilled to announce our very first Binth Baby Book CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS. (And with that our very first ever BINTH Give-Away!)
We are asking all of you BINTH fans and families to “show off” your BINTH Baby Books. Share it with us, show it to the world and tell us all all about it. Tell us the name of that special someone your book is all about. Tell us who gave the book to you or where you found it. ( Our book is available at select cool retailers across the States + Canada, we would love to know where you got yours…) What are your favorite pages?  Which one was the most fun to fill out? Hey, we’d even like to know what kind of pens you used. Or did you find a calligrapher? Tell more, tell all…

Why?  Because we want to feature YOUR books on our website. And here on our blog. But most of all, we want other families to see how you did it.  And of course, we want to reward you for sharing…and tada! here comes the Give-Away part:

1. Between July 1 + July 31 visit our Facebook page and post photos of
your favorite and filled-in BINTH Baby Book pages. Be sure to tell us details about each page. Post as many pages as you like. ( We can’t wait to see.)

2. Every week during the month of July we will randomly pick one submission to receive
a BINTH gift as our Thank You.  ( Think big. And beautiful. And framed perhaps…?)

3. Wait. There is more: get all your friends and family to like your submission and we will also give a prize each week to the person/post with the most likes and comments. ( Hey, it’s okay to get a little competitive, no?)

Soooo, if you are the proud owner of a BINTH Baby Book: please, please participate! If you gave it to your sister, daughter, best friend or co-worker as a gift: please let her know all about this, ok? And if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I am looking forward to seeing what you have created…


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