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The adorable scourge of the internet kingdom
Please click on this: Cool Mom Picks/Cool Mom Tech They just posted a feature on the Pixel Dragon from our “BINTH Friends Collection.” I love their writing style. Seriously fun!

Paige Bennett is here…
A new BINTH baby is here…Our friends Stu and Heidi had their beautiful baby daughter yesterday. They named her Paige Bennett. Born on Sunday, October 3, 2010 at 7:35am she has 10 tiny fingers and 10 tiny toes and two wonderful parents. Look at her!

Gone Hunting
For the third year now Jarek and I have been spending Easter in Coloma, Michigan at our friends Teddy and Bonnie’s family house. Nestled in the woods, overlooking a little valley it has been the perfect get-away and back drop for oh! so many times and seasons. Easter up here though is the most magical. […]